From the moment parents bring their newborns home from the hospital, they are encouraged to introduce their babies to “tummy time” in small increments on a daily basis. The theory behind tummy time is that it strengthens babies’ neck and shoulder muscles so that they can perform much bigger tasks only a few months later, including sitting, crawling, and walking. It also helps to prevent flat spots on the back of infants’ heads. The learning curve to early parenthood can be steep but we are here to help with your baby’s tummy time needs!

Our Sea Buddies Tummy Tunnel is a sweet spot for babies to discover their world and challenge their motor skills in a safe and stimulating environment. Featuring friendly fish designs and a spot clean-only mat, this 100% polyester tunnel is the perfect place for little ones to exercise in style.

Plus, the mesh ceiling ensures that you can keep an eye on your child at all times (and vice versa!).

However, since many babies do not take an immediate liking to tummy time, it helps to distract them by dangling something colorful and tactile in front of them to pique their interest while they “work out!” We made a pompom hanging that can perform double duty as a tummy time assistant and nursery wall decor.


  • Yarn in various colors
  • Embroidery needle
  • Twine
  • Wooden beads

Begin by constructing 4-5 pompoms out of yarn. We used a pompom maker but you could also use your hand or a fork as well.

Next, cut a long strand of yarn and thread it through each of the pompoms and tie off the ends.

Once the pompoms are tied together vertically, create a yarn tassel (tutorial here!) and attach it to the bottom of the hanging.

For extra flair, add a couple of wooden beads to the top of the hanging.

Once your baby has mastered the art of tummy time, you can transform this pompom hanging into an eye-catching wall decor piece!