Let’s be honest – it seems like this winter has lasted for way too long. It’s cold outside, and we are ready for spring! With Groundhog’s Day coming up next week, we will supposedly find out how much longer winter is supposed to last. If you’re done with the cold and ready to usher in some warm springtime, we’ve got just the thing to help get your kids excited. What’s better to signify change than a butterfly?

Many cultures associate butterflies with representing strength, endurance, change and life. From a tiny little caterpillar comes a beautiful butterfly; one of Mother Nature’s most awesome miracles. Not only are they the perfect representation of change, but they truly thrive in the spring. Depending on the species, butterfly mating seasons are usually around February and March. Then, it takes them about 2-3 weeks to make their cocoons and become the beautiful butterflies we know and love. This is why there are tons of butterflies in the spring – because they’ve been working hard to become one!

That’s why we decided to celebrate butterflies this week – both with a great DIY, and our awesome butterfly pavilion to play with them in!
DIY Origami Paper Butterflies
Origami is a great time waster for little kids, and it is something that sticks in their brain forever. Think about it – how many different ways can you fold paper that you learned when you were a kid? For some reason, once we do origami we remember it forever, whether it was for a project or for (shh!) passing notes in class.
Your little one will love learning to make this adorable origami butterfly, and hopefully carry it on with them for the rest of their lives. We even added in an extra bonus supply below – hair clips. These are adorable to affix to bobby pins or hair bands for girls to wear in their hair!
What You Need

- Origami Paper
- String
- Glue Gun
- Hair Clips (optional)
How You Make Them
Ready to start folding? All you need to do is follow this handy graphic below. Screenshot or print it out so you can save it and make them again later!

As a bonus you can add a clip to these for your little ones to wear as a hair accessory!

Butterfly Garden Pavilion

Welcome friends, to the butterfly garden! This adorable, pastel colored pavilion is a great addition to any room. The beautiful graphics on this pavilion really bring it to life, and will make you feel like you’re in the middle of a spring wonderland. With a part-mesh top, your child and friends will have plenty of air ventilation. There are cut-out leaves around the rim of the pavilion, and plenty of room for your little one and a couple friends – even to stand up in. It’s the perfect place to hang your DIY Origami Paper Butterflies, or to dress up as one! There’s an open bottom with no floor, making it perfect for indoor or outdoor use. Its’ lightweight and durable construction will ensure years and years of play to come!

More Ways to Get Ready for Spring
Spring will have sprung before we know it, so take advantage of your extra time indoors to get ready for the warm months. Getting your kids involved will make them more excited, especially once they start seeing all the preparation pay off!

Make freezer meals
Springtime means more time outside and enjoying the weather. This can lead to long afternoons outside the home, and being too tired to prepare a nutritious dinner. Instead of ordering out, take advantage of the extra time you have now to prepare some freezer-friendly meals for the spring. All you have to do is pop them in the oven, slow cooker or microwave for a healthy, home cooked meal. Need some inspiration? Check out this post from The Happy Gal!
Plan your vacations
Spring break will be here before you know it, so take some time now to brainstorm some vacation ideas. Getting your flights and hotels early can save you some money, as opposed to scrounging a vacation together at the last minute. You can even start brainstorming for summer vacations as well, to really get ahead of the game. Have your little one help you with ideas so they feel like part of the plan, and let them watch you book flights or hotels to get them even more excited for the fun.
Set spring cleaning goals
There’s nothing better than packing up all the bulky winter clothes and making room for cute, fun spring clothes. While it’s not quite time to get it all packed up and gone just yet, now is a good time to get prepared. Spend some time to get all the supplies you might need, such as bins or space bags. This will help make sure that you’re good to go when the time comes. In addition, now is a good time to put the bug in your your little one’s ear to start thinking about which items they might want to donate or keep. When the time comes, it’s not such a huge shock when you’re ready to clean house. They’ll have already thought it through and parting with their items will be just that much easier.

Get some spring and summer items
When the warm weather hits, prices for summer items will be at their peak. Get your warm gear now while they’re still on sale! This includes clothes, bathing suits, shoes, swim supplies and sports gear. If your little one does track, soccer or any other spring sport, get their new gear for the season now before prices go up! If you have a pool, now is the best time to get those swim supplies and sunblock.

Let Us Know!
Are you over the cold and ready for spring? Is your little one obsessed with butterflies? Did you make these DIY Origami Paper Butterflies? Let us know all the details in the comments below!