It doesn’t matter if you are the parent of a toddler or a teenager; the transformative power of nature captivates us all. In fact, one of the best ways to lift your mood (or your child’s mood!) is to go outside and take notice of the natural world that surrounds you. Feel the sunshine on your face, feel the ground under your feet, feel the breeze blowing across your skin and b-r-e-a-t-h-e. Ahhhh…feel better yet?

At a recent playdate, we set up one of our biggest crowd-pleaser tents. As usual, it was a total hit. Not only is it bright and colorful but it can accommodate several children comfortably! Since it has a built-in waterproof floor, it’s the perfect tent to use outside.

As you can see, they all happily packed in and hammed it up for the camera!

But unsurprisingly, nature took the cake. After enjoying My Tent for awhile, the group eventually wandered off and took notice of the blossoming flowerbeds and growing vegetables that were peppered throughout the yard. They marveled at the bright colors and fragrant smells wafting in the breeze. The children’s curiosity took over and everyone felt inspired to learn more about the small and mighty ecosystem growing all around them!

Thanks to the heavy rainfall that we received earlier this year, our home base of Southern California has been gifted with a Super Bloom (and we are enjoying every minute!).

Since the natural landscape feels incredibly lush these days, it’s the perfect opportunity to plant herbs and vegetables.

Best of all, the easiest way to label vegetation is by using some (non-toxic garden friendly) paint on rocks and then placing them beside the corresponding plants. We let these little ones get creative and add their own style to these rocks, which they loved to paint! One of our favorite ways to find rocks is from exploring local hiking trails. Not only do you get a good workout but you get to take a small memory from the trip home with you!

P.S. Did you know that World Environment Day is on June 5th? To celebrate, simply step outside and take a moment to appreciate the great outdoors and the many ways that it serves us. When we keep our planet healthy, we keep ourselves healthy, too.